Other members
Postdoctoral fellows (click on their names if you wish to know more about them)
Benjamin Alric, 2021-22
Cédric Berney, 2017-22
Grégory Farrant, 2019-22
Francisco Cornejo Castillo, 2020-21
Daniel J. Richter, 2016-18
Adriana Lopes dos Santos, 2012-17
Gei Pei, 2015-16
An Ngoc Nguyen, 2014-16
Sergio Balzano, 2009-12
Angélique Gobet, 2011-12
Raphaël Morard, 2011-12
Lucie Bittner, 2010-12
Frédéric Mahé, 2010-12
Christophe Boutte, postdoc 2007-08 and research engineer 2009-11
Sébastien Colin, postdoc 2009-10 and research engineer 2011-16
Raffaele Siano, 2009-10
Peter von Dassow, 2009-10
Anne-Catherine Lehours, 2009-10
Shuhei Ota, 2008-09
PhD students (click on their names if you wish to know more about them)
Mathilde Ferrieux, 2022
Joost Mansour, 2021
Mariana Câmara dos Reis, 2021
Mariarita Caracciolo, 2021
Natalia Llopis Monferrer, 2020
Ewen Corre, 2020
Miguel Méndez-Sandín, Ph. D., 2019
Pierre-Yves Mocaër, Ph. D., 2019
Laure Arsenieff, Ph. D. 2018
Hugo Doré, Ph. D. 2017 and postdoc 2019
Théophile Grébert, Ph. D. 2017
Arnaud Meng, Ph. D. 2017
Margot Tragin, Ph. D. 2017 and postdoc 2017-18
Klervi Crenn, Ph. D 2016
Khadidja Klouch, Ph. D. 2016
Gregory Farrant, Ph. D. 2015 and postdoc 2019
Tristan Biard, Ph. D. 2015
Justine Pittera, Ph. D. 2015
Noan Le Bescot, Ph. D. 2014
Dominique Bœuf, Ph. D. 2013 and postdoc 2013-14
Aliou Dia, Ph. D. 2013
Florian Humily, Ph. D. 2013
Frédéric Lepelletier, Ph. D. 2013
Johan Decelle, Ph. D. 2012
Daniella Mella-Flores, Ph. D. 2011
El Madhi Bendif, Ph. D. 2011
Christian Kolowrat, Ph. D. 2010
Antonio Pagarete, Ph. D 2010
Miguel Frada, Ph. D 2009
Sylvie Masquelier, Ph. D 2009
Cécile Lepère, postdoc 2008-09
Research engineers/assistants
Rafaele Attia, research engineer 2020-22
Nicolas Henry, research engineer 2017-21
Martina Strittmatter, research engineer 2017-19
Stéphane Audic, research engineer 2010-17
Loïc Jacquemot, research assistant 2015-16
Delphine Serpin, research assistant 2015-16
Damien Guiffant, research engineer 2013-16
Delphine Duffieux, research assistant 2013-14
Céline Dimier, research engineer 2010-14