Created 13/07/2015 Updated 04/09/2015

Biological sample preparation for TEM observation:

  • classic fixation, dehydration, embedding and section cutting techniques for ultra-structural analysis
  • immunocytochemical techniques using pre- or post- embedding colloidal gold immunolabelling
  • cryo-techniques: cryo-fixation, freeze substitution and cryo-sections
  • negative staining for macromolecules and cellular fractions

Thin sections and cryo-sections and contrast enhancement

Biological sample preparation for SEM observation:

  • Sputter coating and dehydration by critical point drying
  • Observation under SEM and TEM microscopes.
  • Data provided on film or in digital files.

The microscopes can be directly operated by users who have received training from Imaging Core Facility personnel. A service request form must be downloaded and completed as well as the user’s guide [and agreement]. Use of the Facility must be approved by the head of the involved research group before the application is submitted to the Facility.


  • Initially admitted under supervision, users are progressively trained for independent use of the Facility
  • Users are guided towards the most appropriate imaging systems for their research project.
  • Assistance in tool design.
  • Visualisation and localisation of fluorescent molecules at the subcellular level in confocal microscopy and digital microscopy.
  • Study of dynamic processes in subcellular and migratory compartments.

Access to the optical microscopy equipment

The user receives training and will thereafter gain access to the on-line reservation system. A service request form can be downloaded and completed as well as the informational brochure. The application must be approved by the head of the involved research group before being submitted to the Facility.


You can make an appointment with the imaging platform staff to discuss the feasibility of the experiment and determine the specific operations to be carried out.


The imaging platform also trains and supervises students and researchers:

  • Practical demonstrations for various student groups;
  • Participation in the Science en Fête (National Science Fair).