Professeur.e Sorbonne Université

IRL 3614 International Research Laboratory France -Chile CNRS SU UC UaCh


Main Research Area

  • Reproductive ecology and reproductive success of algae, mating system evolution
  • Dispersal capability and intraspecific diversity in seaweed, landscape genetics, population genetics and phylogeography.
  • Speciation in algae.

Gracilaria gracilis sampling in Cape Gris-Nez


Brief CV

  • Octobre 2015- Mai 2016: Professeur invité (professor  visitante) UC (Pontifical Universitad Catolica de Chile) Santiago de Chile.
  • 2006-present : Professeur UPMC Sorbonne Universités, Station Biologique de Roscoff.
  • 2001-2006 : Maître de conférences, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Station Biologique de Roscoff (François Lallier lab).
  • 1992-2001 : Maître de conférences, Université de Lille I (USTL) (Philippe Vernet and Myriam Valero lab).
  • 1990-1992: Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignements et de Recherche (ATER), Université de Lille 1 (USTL) (Philippe Vernet lab).
  • 1988-1990:  Fisheries and Ocean Post-doctoral fellow, Institut Maurice Lamontagne, Rimouski, Québec and NRC (National Research Council), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (advisor: Allan Cembella).
  • 1987: PhD Université de Lille I (IFREMER-Region Nord fellow) Centre aquacole de Gravelines (advisors: Marcel Bodard and Philippe Vernet).


Research skills

  •  Supervisor of 9 PhD students and more than 14 master students
  •  Elected or nominated representative in several French scientific committees for national scientific programs or research councils (CNRS-CNU).
  •  Referee for scientific program for several foreign countries (NERC, NSERCC, FONDYCIT, DGXII EU, IFS).
  •  Member of the Referee for more than 9 international journals (such as Aquaculture, Aquat. Bot., Bot. Mar., Eur. J. Phycol., Hydrobiologia, J. Appl. Phycol., J. Phycol., Mol. Ecol., Phycologia, etc...).
  • Member of the editorial board of European Journal of Phycology.


Administrative activities

  • Since 2020: Member of the board of the Doctoral School ED227 MNHN SU
  • 2014-2018: President of the French Phycological Society (SFP)
  • 2012-2024: Member of the National committee of the Universities (CNU section 67). This committee is responsible for the promotion of professor and assistant professor.
  • 2004-2008: Member of the National committee CNRS "section 29" (Ecology and population biology), this committee is responsible for recruitment, promotion and laboratory evaluations.

section 29

  • 2006-2008: Elected member of the Executive Council of the International Phycological Society
  • 1997-2004: Member of the National committee of the Universities (CNU section 67)



Contributes to teaching on Licence and Master student course in Evolution, Population Genetics, Evolutionary Biology and Phycology:

 Master level


Summer School

2011 : Ecole internationale Daniel Jouvance/UPMC/UC de Santiago « Biologie Marine », 16 -26 Janvier, Las Cruces/ Santiago, Chili.

2012 : Ecole d’été  «Evolutionay Biology and Population Genetics» 6–10 Août (USP) Université de Sao Paulo,Brésil

summer school

2012 : Postgraduate Summer Course «Diversity and evolution in macroalgae» 3-14 décembre 2012, (UCSC)   Concepción, Chili.

2015 : Ecole d’été australe «New challenges for research in biodiversity and ecology of micro- and macro-algae» 27 novembre au 6 décembre 2015, UPMC/UC/CNRS dans le cadre du GDRI DBMA, Las Cruces/ Santiago, Chili.

summer school Chile

2016:  Postgraduate Summer Course «Population genetics in species with complex life cycles» du 4 au 8 janvier, Uach ,Valdivia, Chili.




LAVAUT, E., M. VALERO, S. MAUGER, M. L. GUILLEMIN, C. DESTOMBE AND M. DUFAY (2023). "Sexual selection in seaweed? Testing Bateman's principles in the red alga Gracilaria gracilis." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (2006): 20231668. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.1668

MAUGER, S., A. BAUD, G. LE CORGUILLÉ, G. TANGUY, E. LEGEAY, E. CREIS, M. VALERO, P. POTIN AND C. DESTOMBE (2023). "Genetic resources of macroalgae: development of an efficient method using microsatellite markers in non-model organisms." Algal Research: 103251. DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2023.103251

BORG, M., KRUEGER‐HADFIELD, S. A., DESTOMBE, C., COLLÉN, J., LIPINSKA, A., & COELHO, S. M. (2023). Red macroalgae in the genomic era. New Phytologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.19211

LAVAUT, E., GUILLEMIN, M. L., COLIN, S., FAURE, A., COUDRET, J., DESTOMBE, C., & VALERO,  (2022). Pollinators of the sea: A discovery of animal-mediated fertilization in seaweed. Science, 377(6605), 528-530.

LE GAC, M., MARY, L., METEGNIER, G., et QUERE J. SIANO R., RODRIGUEZ F., DESTOMBE C.,SOURISSEAU M. (2022). Strong population genomic structure of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum inferred from meta‐transcriptome samples. Environmental Microbiology 2022, vol. 24, no 12, p. 5966-5983

HEESCH, S., SERRANO-SERRANO, M., BARRERA-REDONDO J., LUTHRINGER, R., PETERS, A. F., DESTOMBE, C., COCK, J. M., VALERO, M., ROZE, D., SALAMIN, N. & COELHO S. (2021). Evolution of life cycles and reproductive traits: insights from the brown algae. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34: 992-1009.

USANDIZAGA, S., VALENZUELA, P., GAITAN-ESPITIA, J. D., DESTOMBE, C., & GUILLEMIN, M. L. (2021). Reproductive effort in the domesticated red alga Agarophyton chilense: differences between farms and natural populations. Journal of Applied Phycology, 33(2), 1149-1156.

KRUEGER-HADFIELD, S. A., GUILLEMIN, M. L., DESTOMBE, C., VALERO, M., & STOECKEL, S. (2021). Exploring the genetic consequences of clonality in haplodiplontic taxa. Journal of Heredity, 112(1), 92-107.

GUZINSKI, J., RUGGERI, P., BALLENGHIEN, M., MAUGER, S., JACQUEMIN, B., JOLLIVET, C., DESTOMBE, C & VALERO, M. (2020). Seascape Genomics of the Sugar Kelp Saccharina latissima Along the North Eastern Atlantic Latitudinal Gradient. Genes, 11(12), 1503.

NEIVA, J., SERRÃO, E. A., PAULINO, C., GOUVEIA, L., WANT, A., TAMIGNEAUX, É., BALLENGHIEN, M., MAUGER, S., FOUQUEAU, L., ENGEL-GAUTIER, C., DESTOMBE, C., & VALERO, M. (2020). Genetic structure of amphi-Atlantic Laminaria digitata (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) reveals a unique range-edge gene pool and suggests post-glacial colonization of the NW Atlantic. European Journal of Phycology, 55(4), 517-528.

METEGNIER, G., PAULINO, S., RAMOND, P., SIANO, R., SOURISSEAU, M., DESTOMBE, C., LE GAC, M. (2020) Species specific gene expression dynamics during harmful algal blooms. Scientific reports 10(1): 1-14.

BECHELER, R., GUILLEMIN, M-L., STOECKEL, S. MAUGER, S., BRANTE, A., SAUNIER, A., DESTOMBE, C., VALERO, M. (2020). After a catastrophe, a little bit of sex is better than nothing, even in red algae: Genetic consequences of a major earthquake on asexual and sexual populations. Evolutionary Applications 13 (8), 2086-2100.

BRINGLOE, T. T., STARKO, S., WADE, R. M., VIEIRA, C., KAWAI, H., DE CLERCK, O., J. COCK, M, COELHO, S., DESTOMBE, C., VALERO, M., NEIVA, J., PEARSON, G.A., FAUGERON, S., SERRÃO, E., & VERBRUGGEN, H. (2020). Phylogeny and evolution of the brown algae. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 39(4), 281-321.

CALMES, B., STRITTMATTER, M., JACQUEMIN, B., PERRINEAU, M. M., ROUSSEAU, C., BADIS, Y., COCK, J.M. DESTOMBE, C. VALERO, M. & GACHON, C. M. 2020. Parallelisable non-invasive biomass, fitness and growth measurement of macroalgae and other protists with nephelometry. Algal Research, 46 : 101762.

AYRES‐OSTROCK, L. M., VALERO, M., MAUGER, S., OLIVEIRA, M. C., PLASTINO, E. M., GUILLEMIN, M. L., & DESTOMBE, C. 2019. Dual influence of terrestrial and marine historical processes on the phylogeography of the Brazilian intertidal red alga Gracilaria caudata. Journal of Phycology, 55(5): 1096-1114.

SOTKA, E.E., BAUMGARDNER A.W., BIPPUS P.M., DESTOMBE C., DUERMIT E.A., ENDO H., FLANAGAN B.A., KAMIYA M., LEES L.E., MURREN C.J., NAKAOKA M., SHAINKER S.J., STRAND A.E., TERADA R., VALERO M., WEINBERGER F., S.A. KRUEGER-HADFIELD S.A. 2018. Combining niche shift and population genetic analyses predicts rapid phenotypic evolution during invasion. Evolutionary Application 11(5): 781-793. DOI: 10.1111/eva.12592.

VALERO M.,GUILLEMIN ML, DESTOMBE C., JACQUEMIN B., GACHON C.M.M., BADIS Y., BUSCHMANN A.H., CAMUS C., FAUGERON S. 2017. Perspectives on domestication research for sustainable seaweed aquaculture. Perspective in Phycology4(1): 33-46. DOI:10.1127/pip/2017/0066.

BECHELER R., MASSON J.P., ARNAUD-HAOND S., HALKETT F., MARIETTE S., GUILLEMIN M-L, VALERO M., DESTOMBE C., STOECKEL S. 2017. ClonEstiMate, a Bayesian method for quantifying rates of clonality of populations genotyped at two-time steps. Molecular Ecology Resources(17):6 251-267

GUILLEMIN ML, VALERO M, TELLIER F, MACAYA EC, DESTOMBE C and FAUGERON S 2016. Phylogeography of Seaweeds in the South East Pacific: Complex evolutionary processes along a latitudinal gradient. In Seaweed Phylogeography: 251-277. Springer Netherlands.

BLANQUART F, VALERO M, ALVES-DE-SOUZA C, DIA A, LEPELLETIER F, BIGEARD E, JEANTHON C, DESTOMBE C, GUILLOU L. 2016 Evidence for parasite-mediated selection during short-lasting toxic algal blooms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 283(1841): 20161870. doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.1870.

LE GAC, M., METEGNIER, G.,CHOMÉRAT, N., MALESTROIT P., QUÉRÉ J., BOUCHEZ O., SIANO R., DESTOMBE C., GUILLOU L., CHAPELLE A. 2016. Evolutionary processes and cellular functions underlying divergence in Alexandrium minutum. Molecular ecology, 25 (20): 5129-5143.

GEOFFROY A., DESTOMBE C., KIM B., MAUGER S., RAFFO M.P., KIM M.S. & LE GALL L., 2016 Patterns of genetic diversity of the cryptogenic red alga Polysiphonia morrowii(Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) suggest multiple origins of the Atlantic populations. Ecology and Evolution 6(16), 5635-5647.

AYRES-OSTROCK L.M., MAUGER S., PLASTINO E.M., OLIVEIRA M.C., VALERO M., DESTOMBE C. 2016 Development and characterization of microsatellite markers in two agarophyte species Gracilaria birdiaeand G. caudata(Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta) using 454 sequencing data. Journal of Applied Phycology 28:653–662

STAGNOL D., MACE, M, DESTOMBE, C. & DAVOULT D. 2016 Allometric relationships for intertidal macroalgae species of commercial interest. Journal of Applied Phycology28(6), 3407-3411.

LE GAC, M., METEGNIER, G., CHOMERAT, N., MALESTROIT, P., QUERE, J., BOUCHEZ, O.,SIANO, R.,DESTOMBE, C., GUILLOU, L. & CHAPELLE, A. 2016. Evolutionary processes and cellular functions underlying divergence in Alexandrium minutum. Molecular Ecology. (DOI: 10.1111/mec.13815)

COUCEIRO, L., LE GAC, M., HUNSPERGER, H. M., MAUGER, S., DESTOMBE, C., COCK, J. M., VALERO, M  & PETERS, A. F. 2015. Evolution and maintenance of haploid–diploid life cycles in natural populations: The case of the marine brown alga Ectocarpus. Evolution 69(7), 1808-1822.

GEOFFROY A., MAUGER S., DE JODE A., LE GALL L., DESTOMBE C. 2015 Molecular evidence for the coexistence of two sibling species in Pylaiella littoralis (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) along the Brittany coast. Journal of Phycology 51(3), 480-489

PANTE E., PUILLANDRE, N., VIRICEL,  A., ARNAUD-HAOND, S., AURELLE, D., CASTELIN, M., CHENUIL, A. DESTOMBE, C., FORCIOLI, D., VALERO, M. 2015. Species are hypotheses: avoid connectivity assessments based on pillars of sand. Molecular Ecology 24: 525-544.

GUILLEMIN M-L., VALERO M., FAUGERON S., NELSON W., &  DESTOMBE C. 2014 Tracing the trans-Pacific evolutionary history of a domesticated seaweed (Gracilaria chilensis) with archaeological and genetic data PloS one 9(12), e114039.

KRUEGER-HADFIELD S. A., ROZE, D., CORREA, J. A., DESTOMBE, C., & VALERO, M. 2014. O father where art thou? Paternity analyses in a natural population of the haploid–diploid seaweed Chondrus crispus. Heredity 114(2), 185-194. DOI: 10.1038/hdy.2014.82

GUILLEMIN M. L., VALENZUELA, P., GAITAN-ESPITIA, J. D., & DESTOMBE, C. 2014. Evidence of reproductive cost in the triphasic life history of the red alga Gracilaria chilensis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology, 26(1), 569-575.

DIA A., GUILLOU, L., MAUGER, S., BIGEARD, E., MARIE, D., VALERO, M., & DESTOMBE, C. 2014. Spatiotemporal changes in the genetic diversity of harmful algal blooms caused by the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. Molecular Ecology, 23(3), 549-560.

OPPLIGER L.V., VON DASSOW, P., BOUCHEMOUSSE, S., ROBUCHON, M., VALERO, M., CORREA, J. A., & DESTOMBE C. 2014. Alteration of sexual reproduction and genetic diversity in the kelp species Laminaria digitata at the southern limit of its range. PloS one, 9(7), e102518

OPPLIGER L.V., CORREA JA, ENGELEN AH, TELLIER F, VIEIRA V, FAUGERON S, VALERO M, GOMEZ G, & DESTOMBE C. 2012. Temperature effects on gametophyte life-history traits and geographic distribution of two cryptic kelp species. PloS one 7(6): e39289. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039289

GUILLEMIN M-L., SEPÚLVEDA RD, CORREA JA & DESTOMBE C. 2012 Differential ecological responses to environmental stress in the life history phases of the isomorphic red alga Gracilaria chilensis (Rhodophyta) Journal of Applied Phycology 25(1), 215-224. DOI 10.1007/s10811-012-9855-8

TELLIER F., TAPIA J, FAUGERON S, DESTOMBE C, & VALERO M. 2011. The Lessonia nigrescens species complex (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) shows strict parapatry and complete reproductive isolation in a secondary contact zone. Journal of Phycology: 47: 894–903

OPPLIGER L.V., J. A. CORREA, S. FAUGERON, F. TELLIER, J. BELTRÁN, M. VALERO & C. DESTOMBE 2011. Sex ratio variation in the Lessonia nigrescens complex (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae): effect of latitude, temperature and marginality.  Journal of Phycology 47: 5-12.

DESTOMBE C. & OPPLIGER LV 2011 Male gametophyte fragmentation in Laminaria digitata: a life history strategy to enhance reproductive success. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 52:385-394.

BILLARD E., SERRAO, E. PEARSON, G. DESTOMBE C. & VALERO M. 2010. Fucus vesiculosus and spiralis species complex: a nested model of local adaptation at the shore level. Marine Ecology Progress Series: 405:163–174

DESTOMBE C., VALERO M. &  GUILLEMIN M.L.  2010. Delineation of two sibling red algal species: Gracilaria gracilis and Gracilaria dura (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) using multi dna markers: resurrection of the species g. dura previously described in the northern atlantic 200 years ago. Journal of Phycology 46: 720-727

GUILLEMIN M.L., FAUGERON S., DESTOMBE C., VIARD F., CORREA J.C. & VALERO M. 2008. Genetic variation in wild and cultivated populations of the haploid-diploid red alga Gracilaria chilensis: how farming practices favor asexual reproduction and heterozygosity. Evolution 62: 1500-1519.

GUILLEMIN M-L., AIT AKKI S., GIVERNAUD T., MOURADI A. VALERO M. & DESTOMBE C. 2008. Molecular characterisation and development of rapid molecular methods to delineate species of Gracilariaceae from the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Aquatic Botany 89: 324-330.

BILLARD E., E. SERRAO, G. PEARSON, C. ENGEL, C. DESTOMBE & M. VALERO. 2005. Analysis of sexual phenotype and prezygotic fertility in natural populations of Fucus spiralis, F. vesiculosus (Fucaceae, Phaeophyceae) and in their putative hybrids. European Journal of Phycolgy 40(4): 397-408.

ENGEL C., C. DESTOMBE, & M. VALERO. 2004. Mating-system and gene flow in the red seaweed Gracilaria gracilis: effect of haploid-diploid life history and intertidal rocky shore landscape on fine-scale genetic structure.  Heredity 92: 289-298.

GUIMARAES M., E. PLASTINO & C. DESTOMBE. 2003. Green mutant frequency in natural populations of Gracilaria domingensis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) from Brazil. European Journal of Phycology 38: 165-169.

MEUSNIER I., M. VALERO, C. DESTOMBE, C. GODE, E. DESMARAIS, F. BONHOMME, W.T. STAM & J.L. OLSEN. 2002. Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism analyses of nuclear and chloroplast DNA provide evidence for recombination, multiple introductions and nascent speciation in the Caulerpa taxifolia complex. Molecular Ecology 11: 2317-2325.

ENGEL C.R. & DESTOMBE C. 2002. Reproductive ecology of an intertidal red seaweed, Gracilaria gracilis: influence of high and low tides on fertilization success. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 82:189-192.

ENGEL C.R., VALERO M, LAGADEUC, Y. & DESTOMBE C. 2002 Non-random mating in controlled multiple-donor crosses in Gracilaria gracilis (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta). European Journal of Phycology 37: 179-190.

MEUSNIER I., OLSEN J.L., STAM W.T., DESTOMBE C. & VALERO M. 2001. Phylogenetic analyses of Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta) and of its associated bacterial microflora provide clues to the origin of the Mediterranean introduction. Molecular Ecology 10: 931-946.

ENGEL C.R., ÅBERG P., GAGGIOTTI O. DESTOMBE C. & VALERO M. 2001. Population dynamics and stage structure in a haploid-diploid red alga, Gracilaria gracilis. Journal of Ecology 89: 436-450

MARTÍNEZ, E.A., DESTOMBE, C., QUILLET, M.C. & VALERO, M. 1999. Identification of RAPD markers highly linked to sex determination in the red algae Gracilaria gracilis. Molecular Ecology, 8: 1533-1538.

ENGEL C., R. WATTIER, C. DESTOMBE & M. VALERO 1999. Performance of non-motile male gametes in the sea: analysis of paternity and fertilisation success in a natural population of a red seaweed, Gracilaria gracilis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences, 266: 1879-1886.

DESTOMBE C., J. GODIN, M. NOCHER, S. RICHERD & M. VALERO. 1993. Differences in response between haploid and diploid isomorphic phases of Gracilaria verrucosa (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales) exposed to artificial environmental conditions. Hydrobiologia 260/261: 131-137.

RICHERD S., C. DESTOMBE, J. CUGUEN & M. VALERO. 1993. Variation of reproductive success in a haplo-diploid red alga, Gracilaria verrucosa effects of parental identities and crossing distance. American Journal of Botany 80: 1379-1391.

VALERO M., S. RICHERD, V. PERROT & C. DESTOMBE. 1992. Evolution of Alternation of Haploid and Diploid Phases in Life Cycles. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 7: 25-29.

DESTOMBE C. & S. DOUGLAS. 1991. Rubisco spacer sequence divergence in the rhodophyte alga Gracilaria verrucosa and closely related species. Current Genetics 19: 395-398.

DESTOMBE C. & A. CEMBELLA 1990. Mating-type determination, gametic recognition and reproductive success in Alexandrium excavatum (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyta) toxic red-tide dinoflagellate. Phycologia 29: 316-325.

 DESTOMBE C., M. VALERO, Ph. VERNET & D. COUVET 1989. What controls haploid-diploid ratio in the red alga, Gracilaria verrucosa.  Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2: 313-338.


  • photos

Scientific dissemination

VALERO M. & C. DESTOMBE, 2009. Algues : à la rencontre du troisième type. In: Aux origines de la sexualité Gouyon PH, Civard-Racinais A (eds). Fayard, Paris, pp 158-17.

VALERO, M., C. DESTOMBE, L.V. OPPLIGER et V. VALERO. 2018. Alice et la forêt d’algues. Album pour enfants. 49 pages ISBN 978-2-36834-104-9 Ed : Locus Solus