Professor, Sorbonne University

Dominique Davoult

co-head of EDYCO research team & co-head of UMR 7144 research Department

Research interests

I currently working on 3 main topics:

-Dynamics of macroalgal canopies and associated communities :

  • Metabolism/diversity/food web coupling of intertidal fucoid-dominated communities
  • Dynamics of the degradation of Laminaria hyperborea and the associated macrobenthic community (PhD of Florian de Bettignies, 2016-2019, Sorbonne Université, co-supervisor Pr Patrick Dauby, Liège Univ
  • Conception of a system for in situ measurements of large macroalgae (kelps and relatives) productivity (post-doctorate Lydia White, 2018-2020)

-Dynamics and functioning of macrobenthic harbour communitiesires (thèse de Robin Gauff, 2018-2021, Sorbonne Université, co-supervisor Dr Christophe Lejeusne, Aix-Marseille Univ.)

-Ecology and dynamics of stalked barnacles populations (Européen project Biodiversa, 2017-2020)




  • Christophe Lejeusne, Aix-Marseille Univ. (Dynamics and functioning of macrobenthic harbour communities)
  • Patrick Dauby & Gilles Lepoint, Liège Univ. (Degradation of Laminaria hyperborea and associated food web)
  • François Thomas & Angélique Gobet, UMR 8227Roscoff (bacteria communities associated to kelp degradation)
  • Fabio Bulleri, Pisa Univ. (Dynamics of rocky intertidal communities)
  • Thomas Wernberg, Univ. Australie occidentale (dynamics of kelp populations)
  • Martial Laurans, Ifremer Brest (dynamics of kelp populations)
  • Claire Laspougeas & Philippe Le Niliot, Parc Naturel Marin d'Iroise (Dynamics of kelp populations)
  • Jehane Prudhomme, Comité régional des pêches (Intertidal macroalgae harvesting management)



  • Ecology
  • Marine ecology and ecosystem functioning
  • Diversity of marine communities and coastal habitats)
  • Practical methods in coastal ecology
  • Flux of matter and food webs in coastal ecosystems


Scientific EXECUTIVE editor of CBM – Cahiers de Biologie Marine since 2002




Rondeau S., Davoult D., Lejeusne Ch., Kenworthy J.M., Bohner O., Loisel S. & Gauff R.P.M. 2022. Persistence of dominance of non-indigenous species in the inner part of a marina highlighted by multi-year photographic monitoring. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 690: 15-30

Gauff R., Davoult D., Greff S., Bohner O., Coudret J., Jacquet S., Loisel S., Rondeau S., Sevin L., Wafo E. & Lejeusne Ch. 2022. Pollution gradient leads to local adaptation and small-scale spatial variability of communities and functions in an urban marine environment. Sci. Tot. Envir., 838: 155911. doi : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155911

Aguión, A., Cruz T., Acuña J.L., Broudin C., Castro J.J., Davoult D., Dubert J., Fernandes J.N., Geiger K.J., Jacinto D., Mateus D., Muñiz C., Nolasco R., Perrier L., Queiroga H., Román S., Silva T., Thiébaut E., Vasquez E., Macho G. A large-scale comparison of reproduction and recruitment of the stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes across Europe. Mar Biol 169, 63. 2022. doi : 10.1007/s00227-022-04050-x

Aguion A., Ojea E., García-Flórez L., Cruz T., Garmendia J.M., Davoult D., Queiroga H., Rivera A., Acuña J.L. & Macho G. 2022. Establishing a governance threshold in small-scale fisheries to achieve sustainability. Ambio, 51: 652-665. doi: 10.1007/s13280-021-01606-x

Gauff R., Lejeusne C., Arsenieff L., Bohner O., Coudret J., Desbordes F., Jandard A., Loisel S., Schires G., Wafo E. & D. Davoult. 2022. Alien vs. Predator – Influence of environmental variability and predation on the survival of ascidian recruits of a native and alien species. Biological Invasions, in press. doi : 10.1007/s10530-021-02720-3

Geiger K.J., Rivera A., Aguión A., Arrontes J., Ávarez J., Borrell Y.J., Cruz T., Davoult D., Román S., Dubert J., Feis M.E., Fernandes J.N., Fernández C., Garcia-Flórez L., Jacinto D., Jollivet D., Macho G., Mateo E., Mateus D., Morán P., Muñiz C., Nicolle A., Nolasco R., Parrondo M., Queiroga H., Rico J., Silva T., Sousa A., Thiébaut E., Vázquez E., Acuña J.L. 2022. Coping with poachers in European stalked barnacle fisheries: insights from a stakeholder workshop. 135, 104826 Mar. Policy . doi : 10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104826

White L., Loisel S., Sevin L., Davoult D. 2021. In situ estimates of kelp forest productivity in macro-tidal environments. Limnology and Oceanography. doi : 10.1002/lno.11955

Migné A., Duong G., Menu D., Davoult D. & F. Gévaert, 2021. Dynamics of Fucus serratus thallus photosynthesis and community primary production during emersion across seasons: canopy dampening and biochemical acclimation. Peer Community Journal, 1: e32. doi: 10.24072/pcjournal.42

Brunet M., de Bettignies F., Le Duff N., Tanguy G., Davoult D., Leblanc C., Gobet A. & Thomas F. 2021. Accumulation of detached kelp biomass in a subtidal temperate coastal ecosystem induces succession of epiphytic and sediment bacterial communities. Environmental Microbiology, 23: 1638-1655, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.15389

Frontier N., de Bettignies F., Foggo A. & D. Davoult. 2021. Sustained productivity and respiration of degrading kelp detritus in the shallow benthos: detached or broken, but not dead. Marine Environmental research, 166: 105277, doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105277

Leclerc J-C, de Bettignies T., de Bettignies F., Christie H., Franco J.N., Leroux C., Filbee-Dexter K., Pedersen M.F., Davoult D., Wernberg T. 2021. Local flexibility in feeding behaviour leads to contrasting function of an omnivore across latitudes. Oecologia, doi :  10.1007/s00442-021-04936-5 

Migné A., Delebecq G., Davoult D., Spilmont N., Menu D., Janquin M.-A. & F. Gévaert. 2021. Photosynthesis of Laminaria digitata during the immersion and emersion periods of spring tidal cycles during hot, sunny weather. Peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Ecology, 10.5281/zenodo.2574922. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 62 :143-155, doi: 10.21411/CBM.A.678381B1

Qui-Minet Z.N., Davoult D., Grall J., Delaunay C., Six C., Cariou T. & Martin S. 2021. Physiology of maerl algae: Comparison of inter- and intraspecies variations. J. Phycol., doi: 10.1111/jpy.13119

Androuin T., Six C., Bordeyne F., de Bettignies F., Noisette F. & Davoult D. 2020. Better off alone? New insights in the symbiotic relationship between the flatworm Symsagittifera roscoffensis and the microalgae Tetraselmis convolutae. Symbiosis, 81: 161-171.

Bordeyne F., Migné A., Plus M. &  Davoult D. 2020. Modelling the annual primary production of an intertidal brown algal community based on in situ measurements. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 656: 95-107.

Christie A.,.. Davoult D.,.. Stagnol D. et al. 2020. Quantifying and addressing the prevalence and bias of study designs in the environmental and social sciences. Nature Communications, 11: 6377.

de Bettignies F., Dauby P., Lepoint G., Riera P., Bocher E., Bohner O., Broudin C., Houbin C., Leroux C., Loisel S., Davoult D. 2020.Temporal succession of macrofaunal community associated with kelp fragment accumulations in an in situ experiment. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 656: 109-121. 10.3354/meps13391

de Bettignies F., Dauby P., Thomas F., Gobet A., Delage L., Bohner O., Loisel S. & Davoult D. 2020. Degradation dynamics and processes associated with the accumulation of Laminaria hyperborea kelp fragments: an in situ experimental approach. J. Phycol., 56: 1481-1492.

Migné A., Delebecq G., Davoult D., Spilmont N., Menu D., Janquin M.-A. & F. Gévaert. 2019. Photosynthesis of Laminaria digitata during the immersion and emersion periods of spring tidal cycles during hot, sunny weather. Hal 01827565, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Ecology. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.2574922

Qui Minet Z.N., Coudret J., Davoult D., Grall J., Mendez-Sandin M., Cariou T. & Martin S. 2019. Combined effects of global climate change and nutrient enrichment on the physiology of three temperate maerl species. Ecology & Evolution, 9: 13787-13807. doi: 10.1002/ece3.5802

Bulleri F., Eriksson B.K., Queirós A., Airoldi L., Arenas F., Arvanitidis C., Bouma T.J., Crowe T.P., Davoult D., Guizien K., Iveša L., Jenkins S.R., Michalet R., Olabarria C., Procaccini G., Serrão E.A., Wahl M. & Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2018. Harnessing positive species interactions as a tool against climate-driven loss of coastal biodiversity. PLoS Biology, 16 (9): e2006852.

Kenworthy J.M., Davoult D. & Lejeusne C. 2018. Compared stress tolerance to short term exposure in native and invasive tunicates from the NE Atlantic: when the invader performs better. Mar. Biol., 165: 164.

Leclerc M., Letourneur F., Davoult D., Jolly A. & de la Grange P. 2018. Evidence of immune genes in the crinoid: Antedon bifida. Evidence of A. bifida Igkappa gene, Fc receptor gene. Int. J. Vaccine Res., 3 (1): 1-2

Leclerc M., Marie Y., Davoult D., Jolly A. & de la Grange P. 2018. Adaptative Immunity, A True New Gene in Ophiocomina Nigra: An Ophuirid Igkappa Gene. Cell Cellular Life Sci. J., 3(1): 000117

Migné A., Trigui R.J., Davoult D. & Desroy N. 2018. Benthic metabolism over the emersion-Immersion alternation in sands colonized by the invasive Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 200: 371-379.

Qui-Minet Z., Delaunay C., Grall J., Six C., Cariou T., Bohner O., Legrand E., Davoult D., Martin S. 2018. The role of local environmental changes on maerl and its associated noncalcareous epiphytic flora in the Bay of Brest. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 208: 140-152.

Bordeyne F., Davoult D., Migné A., Bertaud Du Chazaud E., Leroux C., Riera P. 2017. Trophic structure of two intertidal Fucus spp. communities along a vertical gradient: Similarity and seasonal stability evidenced with δ13C and δ15N. J. Sea Res., 120: 50-59

Bordeyne F., Migné A., Davoult D. 2017. Variation of fucoid community metabolism during the tidal cycle: insights from in situ measurements of seasonal carbon fluxes during emersion and immersion. Limnology & Oceanography, 62: 2418-2430

Davoult D., Surget G., Stiger-Pouvreau V., Noisette F., Riera P., Stagnol D., Androuin T., Poupart N. 2017. Multiple effects of a Gracilaria vermiculophylla invasion on estuatine mudflat functioning and diversity. Mar. Env. Res., 131: 227-23