
Echantillonnage CFC pendant la campagne OVIDE 2008

Chemical Oceanography Engineer

Scientific Experience

2021 - present: CNRS engineer in benthic ecology (60%) and science outreach officer (40%), Marine Biology Center, Roscoff, UMR 7144/EDYCO and FR2424/COMEDIS
inventories and monitoring of coastal ecosystems: BIOFUSE, TROPHIC, PHYTOPORT, AGRID, SEPPIC, KELPME, RIVAGES, FUCOID RESILIENCE, RIVAGES, CABESTAN projects, etc.
science outreach for FR2424/COMEDIS: CINAMMON, BLUE TRAIN, TREC projects, Roscoff Scientific Film Festival, Researchers' Night, Science Fair, Educational Marine Areas, JRASE (Young Reporters on Arts, Science and Environment), etc.
Webmaster (Drupal), Communications Officer for UMR7144

2018-2021: CNRS chemical oceanography engineer, Marine biology Center, Roscoff, UMR 7144
physico-chemical analyses  - Global change / Ocean acidification
Communication & Science Outreach Officer, Webmaster (Drupal)

2014-2018  : CNRS chemical oceanography engineer, Marine biology Center, Roscoff, UMR 7144
Ferrybox high frequency data processing and modeling.
Science Outreach, Webmaster (Drupal)

2008 - 2013: CNRS chemical oceanography engineer, Marine biology Center, Roscoff, UMR 7144
CFCs as ocean circulation tracers: analytical development, GC-ECD, GC-MS, Purge and Trap
Science Outreach, Webmaster (Joomla)

2005 - 2008: CNRS geochemistry engineer, SARM / CRPG, Vandoeuvre-Lès-Nancy, UPR 2300

2001 - 2004: Research geochemistry engineer, Domaines Océaniques, IUEM, Brest, UMR 6538
ICP-MS, analytical developments

2000: IRD research geochemistry engineer, LMTG, Toulouse, UMR 6539
ICP-MS, analytical developments

1998 - 2000: Department of Earth Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
The Composition and origin of abyssal peridotites : implications for mantle melting processes and chemical geodynamics.

1996-1997 : Geochestry Research Assistant, Marine Geosciences, IFREMER, Brest
Basalts & hydrothermal fluids Pb, Sr & Nd composition  using ID-TIMS & TIMS



2002-2004: Marine Geosiences Master Degree, Western Brittany University (UBO), Brest
Geochemistry: Analytical methods, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, Trace elements analysis in geologic matrix.

1998-2000 : Earth Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Geochemistry, Petrology, Thermodynamics.

Oceanographic campaigns

-PENZE 2015, profils CT
- TAPSEC 2015, encadrement en plongée
-PENZE 2014, seawater physical and chemical parameters monitoring, sensors testing
-PARALEX 2011, Rance and Penzé rivers, seawater physical and chemical parameters monitoring & scientific diving
- OVIDE 2010, N/O Thalassa IFREMER, CFC analysis supervisor
OVIDE project contributes to international CLIVAR and IOCCP programs,
- CAIBEX II / CAIBOX 2009, B/O Sarmiento de Gamboa IIM / CSIC, CFC analysis supervisor
- OVIDE 2008, N/O Thalassa IFREMER, CNRS, CFC analysis
- CREPIRAD 2002, N/O Côte de la manche, CNRS, scientific diver

Advanced scientific diver

2015 : CNRS, Station de Biologie Marine de Roscoff, TAPSEC training program (trainees supervision)

2011 : CNRS, Station de Biologie Marine de Roscoff, NITROX training program (trainees supervision)

2011 : CNRS, Station de Biologie Marine de Roscoff, PARALEX program

2002-2004  : MNHN, Station de Biologie Marine de Concarneau, ERIKA program

2001-2004  : CNRS, IUEM Brest, LEMAR, UMR 6539, CREPIRAD program




Leclerc J-C, Gonzalez M, Pezy J-P, Raoux A, Houbin C, Broudin C, Loisel S, Crec'hriou R, Sevin L, Migné A, Coudret J, Davoult D, Massé C, Filbee-Dexter K, Wernberg T, Thiébaut E (accepted 03/2024) Multi-scale patterns in the structure of fouling communities associated with seaweeds in marinas. Marine Ecology Progress Series



Gauff R., Davoult D., Greff S., Bohner O., Coudret J., Jacquet S., Loisel S., Rondeau S., Sevin L., Wafo E. & Lejeusne Ch. 2022. Pollution gradient leads to local adaptation and small-scale spatial variability of communities and functions in an urban marine environment. Sci. Tot. Envir., 838: 155911. doi : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155911



White L., Loisel S., Sevin L., Davoult D. 2021. In situ estimates of kelp forest productivity in macro-tidal environments. Limnology and Oceanography. doi : 10.1002/lno.11955