IRL publications
- Anderson, B., Pannell, J., Billiard, S., Burgarella, C., de Boer, H., Dufay, M., Helmstetter A.J, Mendez M., Otto S.P., Roze D., Sauquet H., Schoen D., Schönenberger J., Vallejo-Marin M., Zenil-Ferguson R., Käfer, J., Glémin, S. (2023). Opposing effects of plant traits on diversification. Iscience, 26(4).
- Borg, M., Krueger‐Hadfield, S. A., Destombe, C., Collén, J., Lipinska, A., & Coelho, S. M. (2023). Red macroalgae in the genomic era. New Phytologist. (DOI: 10.1111/nph.19211)
- Mauger, S., Baud, A., Le Corguillé, G., Tanguy, G., Legeay, E., Creis, E., .Valero M., Potin P., Destombe, C. (2023). Genetic resources of macroalgae: Development of an efficient method using microsatellite markers in non-model organisms. Algal Research, 103251. (DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2023.103251)
- Roze, D. (2023). Causes and consequences of linkage disequilibrium among transposable elements within eukaryotic genomes. Genetics, 224(2), iyad058.
- Lipinska, A. P., Krueger-Hadfield S. A. , Godfroy O., Dittami S. , Ayres-Ostrock L. , Bonthond G., Brillet-Guéguen L. , Coelho S., Corre E., Cossard G., Destombe C, Epperlein P., Faugeron S. , Ficko-Blean E. , Beltrán J., Lavaut E., Le Bars A., Marchi F., Mauger S., Michel G. , Potin P., Scornet D., Sotka E. E. , Weinberger F., de Oliveira M. C. , Guillemin M.-L., Plastino E. M.and Valero M. (2023). "The Rhodoexplorer Platform for Red Algal Genomics and Whole Genome Assemblies for Several Gracilaria Species." Genome Biology and Evolution. 15(7) (
- Broquet, T., Destombe, C., Valero M. and Jollivet D. 2023. A brief history of speciation research at the Station Biologique de Roscoff (1872-2022). Cahier de Biologie Marine 64::9-19.
- Assis J, Alberto F, Macaya E, Castilho N, Faugeron S, Pearson G, Ladah L, Reed D, Raimondi P, Mansilla A, Brickle P, Zuccarello G, Serrão EA. (2023) Past climate-driven range shifts structuring intraspecific biodiversity levels of the giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) at global scales. Scientific Reports 13:12046. (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-38944-7)
- Cid‐Alda, F. P., Montecinos, A. E., & Guillemin, M. L. (2023). A temporal and spatial study of genetic structure in four species of bladed Bangiales (Rhodophyta) from the southeastern Pacific coast of Chile. Journal of Phycology. (DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13343)
- Lavaut, E., Valero, M., Mauger, S., Guillemin M-L., Destombe C., and Dufay, M. (2023) Sexual selection in seaweed? Testing Bateman’s principles in the red alga Gracilaria gracilis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 290(2006): 20231668. (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.1668)
- Usandizaga S, Beltrán J, Faugeron S, Camus C. (2023). Contrasting responses of Gracilaria chilensis (Rhodophyta) life cycle stages to epiphyte infections. Journal of Applied Phycology. DOI: 10.1007/s10811-023-02998-x
- Vranken, S., Robuchon M., Dekeyzer S., Bárbara I., Bartsch I., Blanfuné A., Boudouresque C. F., Decock W., Destombe C., de Reviers B., Díaz-Tapia P., Herbst A., Julliard R., Karez R., Kersen P., Krueger-Hadfield S. A., Kuhlenkamp R., Peters A. F., Peña V., Piñeiro-Corbeira C., Rindi F., Rousseau F., Rueness J., Schubert H., Sjøtun K. , Sansón M., Smale D., Thibaut T., Valero M., Vandepitte L., Vanhoorne B., Vergés A. , Verlaque M., Vieira C., Le Gall L., Leliaert F. and De Clerck O. (2022). "AlgaeTraits: a trait database for (European) seaweeds." Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2023, 15(7)2711-2754. (DOI:
- Dumilag RV, Crisostomo BA, Aguinaldo ZZA, Hinaloc LAR, Liao LM, Roa-Quiaoit HA, Floredel D-G, Zuccarello GC, Guillemin ML, Brodie J, Cottier-Cook EJ, Roleda, M. Y. (2022). The Diversity of Eucheumatoid Seaweed Cultivars in the Philippines. Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 31(1) pp 47-65. (DOI:
- Sepúlveda‐Espinoza F, Bertin‐Benavides A, Hasbún R, Toro‐Núñez Ó, Varas‐Myrik A, Alarcón D, Guillemin ML (2022). The impact of Pleistocene glaciations and environmental gradients on the genetic structure of Embothrium coccineum. Ecology and Evolution, 12(11), e9474. (DOI:
- Vieira VM, Engelen AH, Huanel OR, Guillemin M-L (2022). An individual-based Model of the Red Alga Agarophyton chilense unravels the complex demography of Its intertidal stands. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. (DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.797350)
- Le Gac, M., Mary, L., Metegnier, G., Quéré, J., Siano, R., Rodríguez, F, Destombe, C. et Sourisseau, M. (2022) Strong population genomic structure of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum inferred from meta-transcriptome samples. Environmental Microbiology, 24(12), 5966-5983. (
- Stetsenko R., Roze D. (2022). The evolution of recombination in self-fertilizing organisms. Genetics, vol.222(1) (DOI: 10.1093/genetics/iyac114)
- Huanel, O. R., Quesada-Calderón, S., Ríos, C., Morales-González, S., Saenz-Agudelo, P., Nelson, W. A., Arakaki, N., Mauger, S., Faugeron, S. and Guillemin, M.-L. (2022) Pre-domestication bottlenecks of the cultivated seaweed gracilaria chilensis. Molecular Ecology, 31(21), 5506-5523 (DOI:
- Becheler R., Haverbeck D., Clerc C., Montecinos G., Valero M., Mansilla A., and Faugeron S. (2022) Variation in Thermal Tolerance of the Giant Kelp’s Gametophytes: Suitability of Habitat, Population Quality or Local Adaptation?. Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers Media, 9, ⟨DOI:⟩
- Lavaut, E., Guillemin, M.-L., Colin, S., Faure, A., Coudret, J., Destombe, C. and Valero, M. (2022). Pollinators of the sea: A discovery of animal-mediated fertilization in seaweed. Science 377:528-530. (DOI: link to upload the paper:
- Camus, C., Leal, P. P., Faugeron, S., Henríquez-Antipa, L. A., Fernández, P. A., Cook, S., Cárcamo, F., Vargas, J., Uribe, D. & Buschmann, A. H. (2022). First report of the intentionally introduced kelp, Saccharina japonica, in the Pacific coast of southern Chile. Algal Research, 65, 102750. (DOI:org/10.1016/j.algal.2022.102750)
- Alda Cid .FP., Valdivia N. and Guillemin M.L. More than What Meets the Eye: Differential SpatiotemporalDistribution of Cryptic Intertidal Bangiales. (2022) Plants, 11(5), 605. (DOI:
- Alfaro M., Griette Q., Roze D. & Sarels B. The spatio-temporal dynamics of interacting genetic incompatibilities. Part I: the case of stacked underdominant clines. (2022) Journal of Mathematical Biology, 84(3), 20..
- Lenormand T & Roze D. Y recombination arrest and degeneration in the absence of sexual dimorphism. Science, 375(6581): 663-666 (DOI:
- S. Weinberger C., A. Vianna J., Faugeron S., A. Marquet P. (2021) Inferring the impact of past climate changes and hunting on the South American sea lion. Diversity and Distributions, 27(12), 2479-2497. (DOI:
- Jenkins T. L. , Guillemin ML., Simon-Nutbrown C., L. Burdett H., R. Stevens J., Peña V. (2021) Whole genome genotyping reveals discrete genetic diversity in north-east Atlantic maerl beds. Evolutionary Applications, 14(6), 1558-1571. (DOi:
- Creis Bendelac E., Delage L., Vallet L., Leblanc C. , Kruse I. , Ar Gall E., Weinberger F., Potin P. (2021) Induction of Phlorotannins and Gene Expression in the Brown Macroalga Fucus vesiculosus in Response to the Herbivore Littorina littorea. Marine drugs,19(4), 185. (DOI:
- Mauger S., Fouqueau L., Avia K., Reynes L., Serrao E.A., Neiva J. and Valero M.(2021) Development of tools to rapidly identify cryptic species and characterize their genetic diversity in different European kelp species. J Appl Phycol, 33(6): 4169–4186. (DOI:
- Reynes L., Aurelle D., Chevalier C., Pinazo C., Valero M., Mauger S., Sartoretto S., Blanfuné A., Ruitton S., Boudouresque C.-F., Verlaque M. and Thibaut T. (2021). Population Genomics and Lagrangian Modeling Shed Light on Dispersal Events in the Mediterranean Endemic Ericaria zosteroides (=Cystoseira zosteroides) (Fucales). Frontiers in Marine Science 8. (DOI : 10.3389/fmars.2021.683528)
- Heesch S., Serrano-Serrano M., Barrera-Redondo J., Luthringer,R., Peters A. F., Destombe C., Cock J. M., Valero M., Roze D., Salamin N. and Coelho S. M. 2021. Evolution of life cycles and reproductive traits: insights from the brown algae. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34(7):992-1009. (DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13880)
- Roze D. (2021) A simple expression for the strength of selection on recombination generated by interference among mutations. PNAS, 118(19) (e2022805118),(DOI:
- Fouqueau L. & Roze D. (2021) The evolution of sex along an environmental gradient. Evolution, 75(6): 1334-1347. (DOI:
- Reynes L., Thibaut T., Mauger S., Blanfuné A., Holon F., Cruaud C., Couloux A., Valero M, Aurelle D (2021) Genomic signatures of clonality in the deep water kelp Laminaria rodriguezii. Molecular Ecology,30(8):1806-1822. (DOI: 10.1111/mec.15860)
- Montecinos A., Huanel O., Ramírez ME., Guillemin M-L. (2021) Molecular data reveal the presence of three PlocamiumLamouroux species with complex patterns of distribution in southern Chile. Cryptogamie, Algologie 42(1) 1-19.(DOI:
- Usandizaga S., Valenzuela P. Gaitán-Espitia JD., Destombe C., Guillemin M-L. (2021) Reproductive effort in the domesticated red alga Agarophyton chilense: differences between farms and natural populations. J. App. Phycol. 33, 1149–1156 (DOI:
- Dubrasquet H., Garrido I., Bruning P., Reyes J., Guillemin M-L. (2021) Building-up knowledge on green marine macroalgae diversity in the Western Antarctic Peninsula: data from two molecular markers reveals numerous species with amphipolar distribution. Cryptogamie, Algologie 42(2) 21-37.(DOI:
- Camus C., Solas M., Martínez C., Vargas J., Garcés C., Gil-Kodaka P., Ladah L., Serrão E., Faugeron S. (2021). Mate Matter: Gametophyte kinship recognition and inbreeding in the giant kelp. J Phycol, 57:711-725 (DOI:
- Krueger-Hadfield, S. A., Guillemin, M.-L., Destombe, C., Valero, M. and Stoeckel, S. (2021). Exploring the Genetic Consequences of Clonality in Haplodiplontic Taxa. Journal of Heredity, 112:92-107 (DOI:
- Vieira VM., Engelen AH., Huanel OR., Guillemin M-L (2021). Differential frond growth in the isomorphic haploid-diploid red seaweed Agarophyton chilense by long-term in situ monitoring. J. Phycol. 57(2): 592-605(DOI:
- Navarro J.M, Détrée C., Morley S.A., Cárdenas L., Ortiz A., Vargas-Chacoff L., Paschkeb K., Gallardo P., Guillemin M-L., Gonzalez-Wevar C. (2020) Evaluating the effects of ocean warming and freshening on the physiological energetics and transcriptomic response of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna. Science of the Total Environment 748. (DOI:
- Guillemin M-L., González-Wevar C., Cárdenas L., Dubrasquet H., Garrido I., Montecinos A., Ocaranza-Barrera P., Flores Robles K. (2020). Comparative Phylogeography of Antarctic Seaweeds: Genetic Consequences of Historical Climatic Variations, In “Antarctic Seaweeds”; Springer pp 103–127. (DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-39448-6_6)
- Schneemann H., De Sanctis B., Roze D., Bierne N., Welch J.J. (2020). The geometry and genetics of hybridization. Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution, 74(12) pp2575–2590. (DOI:
- Huanel O.R. , Nelson W.A, Robitzch V , Mauger S., Faugeron S., Preuss M., Zuccarello G.C., Guillemin M-L. (2020). Comparative phylogeography of two Agarophyton species in the New Zealand archipelago. Journal of Phycology, 56(6) pp 1575-1590. (DOI:
- Barbier M., Araújo R., Rebours C.,Jacquemin B., L. Holdt S. and Charrier B. (2020) Development and objectives of the PHYCOMORPH European Guidelines for the Sustainable Aquaculture of Seaweeds (PEGASUS). Botanica Marina. (DOI:
- Osma N., Latorre-Melín L., Jacob B. , y Contreras P. , von Dassow P., A Vargas C.(2020) Response of Phytoplankton Assemblages From Naturally Acidic Coastal Ecosystems to Elevated pCO 2. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7. (DOI/
- Guzinski, J.; Ruggeri, P.; Ballenghien, M.; Mauger, S.; Jacquemin, B.; Jollivet, C.; Coudret, J.; Jaugeon, L.; Destombe, C. and Valero, M. (2020) Seascape Genomics of the Sugar Kelp Saccharina latissima Along the North Eastern Atlantic Latitudinal Gradient. Genes 11(12):1503. (DOI:10.3390/genes11121503)
- Liesner D., Fouqueau L., Valero M., Roleda M. Y., Pearson G. A., Bischof K., Valentin K. and Bartsch I. (2020). Heat stress responses and population genetics of the kelp Laminaria digitata (Phaeophyceae) across latitudes reveal differentiation among North Atlantic populations. Ecology and Evolution. 10(17): 9144-9177 (DOI:
- Bringloe T. T., Starko S., Wade R. M., Vieira C., Kawai H., De Clerck O., Cock J. M., Coelho S. M., Destombe C., Valero M., NeivaJ., Pearson G. A., Faugeron S., Serrão E. A. and Verbruggen H. (2020). Phylogeny and Evolution of the Brown Algae. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences:1-41.(DOI: 10.1080/07352689.2020.1787679)
- Metegnier G., Paulino S., Ramond P., Siano R., Sourisseau M., Destombe C., & Le Gac M. (2020). Species specific gene expression dynamics during harmful algal blooms. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-14. (DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-63326-8)
- Bonthond G., Bayer T., Krueger-Hadfield S., Barboza F., Nakaoka M., Valero M., Wang G., Künzel S., Weinberger F. (in press). How do microbiota associated with an invasive seaweed vary across scales? Molecular Ecology, 29(11): 2094-2108 (DOI:
- Neiva J., Serrão E.A., Paulino C., Gouveia L., Want A., Tamigneaux E., Ballenghien M., Mauger S., Fouqueau, L., Engel-Gautier C., Destombe C., Valero M. (2020). Genetic structure of amphi-Atlantic Laminaria digitata (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) reveals a unique range-edge gene pool and suggests post-glacial colonization of the NW Atlantic. European Journal of Phycology, 55(4): 517-528 (DOI:
- Lenormand T., Fyon F., Sun E. & Roze D. Sex chromosome degeneration by regulatory evolution. Current Biology, 30(15): 3001-3006.e5 (2020) (DOI:
- Preuss M., Muangmai N., Nelson W.A., Guillemin M.L, West J.A.& Zuccarello G.C. (2020) Agarophyton transtasmanicum sp. nov. from Australia and New Zealand. Phycologia, 59(3): 238-245 (DOI: 10.1080/00318884.2020.1734435)
- Assis J., Fragkopoulou E., Frade D., Neiva J., Oliveira A., Abecasis D., Faugeron S. & Serrão E.A. (2020) A fine-tuned global distribution dataset of marine forests. Scientific Data 7, 119 (DOI: 10.1038/s41597-020-0459-x)
- Becheler R., Guillemin M-L., Stoeckel S., Mauger S., Saunier A., Brante A. , Destombe C. & Valero M. (2020). After a catastrophe, a little bit of sex is better than nothing: Genetic consequences of a major earthquake on asexual and sexual populations. Evolutionary Applications. 13:2086-2100 (DOI:
- Abu Awad D., Roze D. (2020). Epistasis, inbreeding depression and the evolution of self-fertilization. Evolution 74:1301-1320 (DOI: https://doi: 10.1111/evo.13961).
- Schoenrock K.M., O’ Connor A.M., Mauger S., Valero M., Neiva J., Serrão E.A., Krueger-Hadfield S. (2020). Genetic diversity of a marine foundation species, Laminaria hyperborea (Gunnerus) Foslie, along the coast of Ireland. European Journal of Phycology, 55(3): 310-326 (DOI:
- Calmes B., Strittmatter M., Jacquemin B., Perrineau M.M., Rousseau C., Badis Y., Cock J.M., Destombe C., Valero M., Gachon C. (2020). Parallelisable non-invasive biomass, fitness and growth measurement of macroalgae and other protists with nephelometry. Algal Research, 46, 101762 (DOI:
- Nicastro KR., Assis J., Serrão E.A., Pearson GA., Neiva J., Valero M., Jacinto R., Zardi G.I. (2020). Congruence between fine-scale genetic breaks and dispersal potential in an estuarine seaweed across multiple transition zones. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77(1):371–378 (DOI:
- Usandizaga S, Buschmann AH, Camus C, Kappes JL, Arnaud-Haond S, Mauger S., Valero M, Guillemin ML. (2020) Better off alone? Compared performance of monoclonal and polyclonal stands of a cultivated red alga growth. Evol Appl.,13(5): 905-917(DOI:https ://
- Mansilla A., Gérard K., Boo GH, Ramirez Me, Ojeda J., Rosenfeld S., Murcia S., Marambio J., Gonzalez-Wevar C., Calderon M., Boo SM., Faugeron S. (2020) Populations of a new morphotype of corrugate Lessonia sp. in the Beagle channel, sub-Antarctic Magellanic ecoregion: a possible case of on-going speciation. Cryptogamie Algologie. 41(11):105-119 (DOI:
- Seudre O., Vanhoenacker E., Mauger S., Coudret J., Roze D. (2020) Genetic variability and transgenerational regulation of investment in sex in the monogonont rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 33(1): 112-120 (DOI:
- Boavida J., Becheler R., Choquet M., Frank N., Taviani M., Bourillet J-F, Meistertzheim A-L., Grehan, A. Savini A., Arnaud-Haond S. (2019) Out of the Mediterranean? Post-glacial colonization pathways varied among cold-water coral species. Journal of Biogeography, 46(5) pp 915-931. (DOI:
- Ayres-Ostrock L. M, Valero M., Mauger S., Oliveira M.C., Plastino E.M., Guillemin M-L., Destombe C (2019) Dual influence of terrestrial and marine historical processes on the phylogeography of the Brazilian intertidal red alga Gracilaria caudata. European Journal of Phycology, 55(5) pp 1096-1114. (DOI:
- Spilling K., Camarena-Gómez M-T., Lipsewers T., Martinez-Varela A., Díaz-Rosas F., Eronen-Rasimus E. , Silva N., von Dassow P., Montecino V. (2019) Impacts of reduced inorganic N:P ratio on three distinct plankton communities in the Humboldt upwelling system. Marine Biology, 166:114. (DOI:
- Bernard M., Rousvoal S., Collet N., Le Goff T., Jacquemin B., Peters A., Potin P. and Leblanc C. (2019) A highly prevalent filamentous algal endophyte in natural populations of the sugar kelp Saccharina latissima is not detected during cultivation in Northern Brittany. Aquatic Living Resources, 32(21). (DOI: )
- Lema K.A, Metegnier G., Quéré J., Latimier M., Youenou A., Lambert C., Fauchot J., Le Gac M. (2019) Inter- and Intra-Specific Transcriptional and Phenotypic Responses of Pseudo-nitzschia under Different Nutrient Conditions. Genome Biology and Evolution, 11(3) pp 731–747. (DOI:
- Aldunate M., Henríquez-Castillo C., Ji Q., Lueders-Dumont J., Mulholland M.R., Ward B.B., von Dassow P., Ulloa O. (2019) Nitrogen assimilation in picocyanobacteria inhabiting the oxygen-deficient waters of the eastern tropical North and South Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography, 65(2) pp 437-453. (DOI:
- Bast J., Jaron K. S, Schuseil D., Roze D., Schwander T. (2019) Asexual reproduction reduces transposable element load in experimental yeast populations. eLIFE (DOI: 10.7554/eLife.48548)
- Brante A, Guzmán-Rendón G, Barría EM, Guillemin M-L, Vera-Escalona I, Hernández CE (2019) Post-disturbance genetic changes: the impact of the 2010 mega earthquake and tsunami on Chilean sandy beach fauna. Scientific Reports 9:14239. (DOI:
- Robitzch V., Arakaki N., Mauger S., Zapata Rojas JC., Guillemin M-L. (2019) Stranded alone: The first reported Peruvian population of Agarophyton chilensisis a single-male's clone. Algal Research, vol.41: 101527 (DOI:
- Pardo C., Guillemin M-L., Peña V., Bárbara I., Valero M., Barreiro R. (2019) Local Coastal Configuration Rather Than Latitudinal Gradient Shape Clonal Diversity and Genetic Structure of Phymatolithon calcareum Maerl Beds in North European Atlantic. Frontiers in Marine Science: vol 6, article 49 (DOI:10.3389/fmars.2019.00149)
- Barahona M., Broitman B. R., Faugeron S., Jaugeon L., Ospina-Alvarez A., Véliz D., Navarrete S. A. (2019).Environmental and demographic factors influence the spatial genetic structure of an intertidal barnacle in central-northern Chile. Marine Ecology Progress Series 612: 151-165. (DOI:
- Meynard A.; Zapata J.; Salas N.; Betancourtt C.; Pérez‐Lara G.; Castañeda F.; Ramírez M.E.; Bulboa Contador C.; Guillemin M.L.; Contreras‐Porcia L. (2019) Genetic and morphological differentiation of Porphyra and Pyropia species (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) coexisting in a rocky intertidal in Central Chile. J Phycol. 55(2): 297-313 (DOI:
- Bocanegra-González KT, Thomas E, Guillemin M-L, Caicedo CA, Higuita LM, González MA, de Carvalho D (2019) Diversidad y estructura genética de cuatro especies arbóreas claves del Bosque Seco Tropical en Colombia. Caldasia, 41(1): 78-91 (DOI:
- Usandizaga S, Camus C, Kappes JL, Guillemin M-L, Buschmann A (2019) Effect of temperature variation in Agarophyton chilensis: contrasting the response of natural and farmed populations. J. Appl. Phycol. 31, 2709–2717(DOI
- Ocaranza-Barrera P, González-Wevar CA, Guillemin M-L, Rosenfeld S, Mansilla A (2019) Molecular divergence between Iridaea cordata(Turner) Bory de Saint-Vincent 1826 populations from Antarctic Peninsula and the Magellan Region. J App Phycol 31(2), 939-949 (DOI: DOI
- Vuosku J., Karppinen K., Muilu-Mäkelä R., Kusano T. , Sagor G H M, Avia K., Alakärppä E., Kestilä J., Suokas M., Nickolov K., Hamberg L., Savolainen O., Häggman H., Sarjala T. (2018) Scots pine aminopropyltransferases shed new light on evolution of the polyamine biosynthesis pathway in seed plants. Annals of Botany, 121(6) pp 1243–1256. (DOI:
- Assis J, Serrão EÁ, Coelho NC, Tempera F, Valero M, Alberto F (2018) Past climate changes and strong oceanographic barriers structured low‐latitude genetic relics for the golden kelp Laminaria ochroleuca. Journal of Biogeography 45, 2326-2336. (DOI:
- Plominsky A.M., Trefault N., Podell S., von Dassow P., Ulloa O. (2018) Metabolic potential and in situ transcriptomic profiles of previously uncharacterized key microbial groups involved in coupled carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycling in anoxic marine zones. Environmental Microbiology. 20(8): 2727-2742 (DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.14109)
- Echeveste P, Croot P, von Dassow P (2018) Differences in the sensitivity to Cu and ligand production of coastal vs offshore strains of Emiliania huxleyi. Science of the Total Environment, 625(1): 1673-1680 (DOI:
- Awad A, Roze D (2018) Effects of partial selfing on the equilibrium genetic variance, mutation load, and inbreeding depression under stabilizing selection. Evolution 72(4): 751-769. (DOI:
- Vanhoenacker E., Sandell L. & Roze D. (2018) Stabilizing selection, mutational bias and the evolution of sex. Evolution, 72(9): 1740-1758 (DOI:
- Avia K., Lipinska A., Mignerot L., Montecinos A., Jamy M., Ahmed S., Valero M., Peters A., Cock J.M., Roze D., Coelho S. (2018) Genetic Diversity in the UV Sex Chromosomes of the Brown Alga Ectocarpus. Genes 9, 286. (DOI: 10.3390/genes9060286)
- Guzinski J., Ballenghien M., Daguin‐Thiébaut C., Lévêque L., Viard F. (2018) Population genomics of the introduced and cultivated Pacific kelp Undaria pinnatifida: Marinas—not farms—drive regional connectivity and establishment in natural rocky reefs. Evolutionary Applications, 11(9): 1582-1597 (DOI:
- von Dassow P., Díaz-Rosas F.,Bendif E. M., Gaitán-Espitia J.-D.,Mella-Flores D., Rokitta S., Uwe J., Torres R. (2018) Over-calcified forms of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in high-CO 2 waters are not preadapted to ocean acidification. Biogeosciences, 15, 1515–1534. (DOI:
- Camus C., Faugeron S., Buschmann A. H.. (2018) Assessment of genetic and phenotypic diversity of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, to support breeding programs. Algal Research, 30: 101-112 (DOI:
- Guillemin M.‑L., Dubrasquet H., Reyes J., Valero M. (2018). Comparative phylogeography of six red algae along the Antarctic Peninsula: extreme genetic depletion linked to historical bottlenecks and recent expansion. Polar Biology, 41: 827–837 (DOI:
- Sotka EE, Baumgardner AW, Bippus PM, Destombe C, Duermit EA, Endo H, Flanagan BA, Kamiya M, Lees LE, Murren CJ, Nakaoka M, Shainker SJ, Strand AE, Terada R, Valero M, Weinberger F, Krueger-Hadfield SA (2018). Combining niche-shift and population genetic analyses predicts rapid phenotypic evolution during invasion. Evolutionary Applications, 11(5): 781-793(
- Dubrasquet H, Reyes J, Pinochet Sanchez R, Valdivia N, Guillemin M-L(2018). Molecular-assisted revision of red macroalgal diversity and distribution along the Western Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands. Cryptogamie, Algologie, p409-429. (DOI:
- Vieira VM, Engelen AH, Huanel OR, Guillemin M-L (2018). Haploid females in the isomorphic biphasic life-cycle of Gracilaria chilensis excel in survival. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18:174. (DOI:
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- Raybaud V, Beaugrand G, Goberville E, Delebecq G, Destombe C, Valero M, Davoult D, Morin P & Gevaert F (2013) Decline in kelp in west Europe and climate. PLoS One, 6:e66044. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066044).
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- Mauger S, Couceiro L & Valero M (2012) A simple and cost-effective method to synthesize an internal size standard amenable to use with a 5-dye system. Prime Research in Biotechnology, 2, 40-46.
- Neiva J, Pearson GA, Valero M & Serrao E (2012) Fine-scale genetic breaks driven by historical range dynamics and ongoing density-barrier effects in the estuarine seaweed Fucus ceranoides L. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12, 78. (DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-12-78).
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- Oppliger V, Correa JA, Engelen A, Tellier F, Vieira V, Faugeron S, Valero M, Gomez G, Destombe C (2012). Temperature effects on gametophyte life-history traits and geographic distribution of two kelp cryptic species. PLoS ONE, 7, e39289. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039289).
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- Coyer JA, Hoarau, G, Costa JF, Hogerdijk B, Serrao EA, Billard E, Valero M, Pearson GA & Olsen JL (2011). Evolution and diversification within the intertidal brown macroalgae Fucus spiralis/F. vesiculosus species complex in the North Atlantic. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 58, 283-296. (DOI:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.11.015).
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- Krueger-Hadfield SA, Collen J, Daguin-Thiébaut C & Valero M. (2011) Genetic population structure and mating system in Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology, 47, 440-450. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2011.00995.x).
- Leblanc C, Schaal G, Cosse A, Destombe C, Valero M, Riera P & Potin P (2011). Trophic and biotic interactions in Laminaria digitata beds: which factors could influence the persistence of marine kelp forests in Northern Brittany? Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 52, 415-427.
- Oppliger VL, Correa JA, Faugeron S, Beltran J, Tellier F, Valero M & Destombe C (2011). Sex ratio variation in the Lessonia nigrescens complex (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae): effect of latitude, temperature and marginality. Journal of Phycology, 47, 5-12. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2010.00930.x).
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- Tellier F, Meynard AP, Correa JA, Faugeron S & Valero M (2009). Phylogeographic analyses of the 30 degrees S south-east Pacific biogeographic transition zone establish the occurrence of a sharp genetic discontinuity in the kelp Lessonia nigrescens: vicariance or parapatry? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 53, 679-693.
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- Engel CR, Guillemin M-L, Jacob A-M, Valero M & Viard F (2008). Isolation of microsatellite loci from the kelp Saccorhiza polyschides (Heterokontophyta, incertae sedis). Molecular Ecology Resources, 8, 406-408. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.01972.x)
- Engel CR, Billard E, Voisin M & Viard F (2008). Conservation and polymorphism of mitochondrial intergenic sequences in brown algae (Phaeophyceae). European Journal of Phycology, 43, 195-205. (DOI:10.1080/09670260701823437)
- Guillemin M-L, Ait Akki S, Givernaud T, Mouradi A, Valero M & Destombe C (2008). Molecular characterisation and development of rapid molecular methods to identify species of Gracilariaceae from the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Aquatic Botany, 89, 324-330. (DOI:10.1016/j.aquabot.2008.03.008)
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- Engel CR, Daguin C, & Serrão E (2006). When is a hybrid a hybrid? A counter-reply to Wallace et al. Molecular Ecology, 15, 3481-3482. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2006.02979.x)
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- Billard E, Daguin C, Pearson G, Serrão E, Engel CR & Valero M (2005). Genetic isolation between the three closely related taxa Fucus vesiculosus, F. spiralis and F. ceranoides (Phaeophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 41, 900-905. (DOI: 10.1111/j.0022-3646.2005.04221.x)
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- Roze D & Lenormand T (2005). Self-fertilization and the evolution of recombination. Genetics, 170, 841-857. (DOI: 10.1534/genetics.104.036384)
- Voisin M, Engel CR, & Viard F (2005). Differential shuffling of native genetic diversity across introduced regions in a brown alga: aquaculture vs. maritime traffic effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of USA, 102, 5432-5437. (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0501754102)
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- Engel CR, Destombe C & Valero M (2004). Mating system and gene flow in the red seaweed Gracilaria gracilis: effect of haploid-diploid life history and intertidal rocky shore landscape on fine-scale genetic structure. Heredity, 92, 289-298. (DOI:10.1038/sj.hdy.6800407)
- Faugeron S, Correa JA, Cardenas L, Martinez EA, Destombe C & Valero M (2004). Reduced genetic diversity and increased population differentiation in peripheral and over-harvested populations of the marine seaweed Gigartina skottsbergii (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) in southern Chile. Journal of Phycology, 40, 454-462. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2004.03114.x)
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- Engel CR, Brawley SH, Edwards KJ & Serrão E (2003). Isolation and cross-species amplification of microsatellite loci from the fucoid seaweeds Fucus vesiculosus, F. serratus and Ascophyllum nodosum (Heterokontophyta, Fucaceae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 3, 180-182. (DOI: 10.1046/j.1471-8286.2003.00390.x)
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- Roze D & Rousset F (2003). Selection and drift in subdivided populations: a straightforward method to derive diffusion approximations, and applications involving dominance, selfing and local extinctions. Genetics, 165, 2153-2166.
- Engel CR & Destombe C (2002). Reproductive ecology of an intertidal red seaweed, Gracilaria gracilis: influence of high and low tides on fertilization success. Journal of the marine biological Association of the United Kingdom , 82, 1-4. (DOI: 10.1017/S0025315402005349)
- Engel CR, Valero M, Lagadeuc Y & Destombe C (2002). Non-random mating in controlled multiple-donor crosses in Gracilaria gracilis (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta). European Journal of Phycology, 37, 179-190. (DOI:10.1017/S096702620200358X)
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- Meusnier I, Valero M, Destombe C, Gode C, Desmarais E, Bonhomme F, Stam WT & Olsen JL (2002). Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism analyses of nuclear and chloroplast DNA provide evidence for recombination, multiple introductions and nascent speciation in the Caulerpa taxifolia complex. Molecular Ecology, 11, 2317-2325. (DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-294X.2002.01627.x)
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- Roze D & Michod RE (2001). Mutation load, multi-level selection and the evolution of propagule size in the origin of multicellularity. The American Naturalist, 158, 638-654.
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