Sylvie Campagne
Post Doc

Systematic review on marine ecosystem service in the InDySEM project: "Influence of ecological dynamics on production and demand for marine ecosystem services. A systematic review for decision-making". Funded by the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) and the Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB)
Supervisor : Prof. Eric Thiébaut
Main Scientific interests
In general, I am interested in theoretical and applied environmental research within an interdisciplinary context focusing on ecosystem services, disservices and condition.
03.2019/ 03.2021 Post-Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer - Institute of Physical Geography & Landscape Ecology, LUH, Germany
Team leader: Prof. B. Burkhard
Ecosystem services assessment and Natural Capital Account: Part of the MAIA Project "Mapping and Assessment for Integrated Ecosystem Accounting”, Imagine Project BIODIVERSA “Integrative Management of Green Infrastructures Multifunctionality, Ecosystem integrity and Ecosystem Services: From assessment to regulation in socio-ecological systems” and ECOSEO “Establishing an eCOsystem SErvices Observatory for the Guianas” more specifically in French Guyana
11.2015/ 11.2018 Doctoral researcher in Environnemental Science – Speciality Ecology – INRAe – Aix-Marseille University – France
Supervisors by P. Roche and J.M Salles
“Ecosystem services assessment based on the Capacity matrix: Methodological analysis and regional-scale applications”: PhD part of the Imagine Project BIODIVERSA. Participation in the ESMERALDA project. PhD thesis available online (link)
2015 Research engineer
Ecosystem services assessment of the wetlands of the Regional Natural Park Scarpe-Escaut – IMBEand PnrSE – France – 6 months in 2015. Supervisors by Prof. T. Tatoni and T. Lefort
2014 and 2013 Research assistant - Internships
Ecosystem services assessment in the area of the Regional Natural Park Baronnies Provençales –IMBE and PnrBP – France – 6 months in 2014. Supervisor by Prof. T. Tatoni
Ecosystem services identification and economic evaluation of benefits of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica – Andromède Océanologie – France – 5 months in 2013. Supervisors by J. Deter and J.M Salles
2020-2021 Seminar on Spatio-temporal ecosystem services analysis and assessment – 39h – Master Degree – Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
2020-2021 Seminar on Introduction to the Ecosystem Services concept – 39h – Bachelor Degree – Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
2014-now Lecture on ecosystem services – every year – 6h – 2nd year of Master Degree – Monptellier University, France
2019-2020 Teacher for practical work on initiation on ArcGis – 36h – Bachelor and Master Degree – Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
2019-2020 Seminar on ecosystem services – 33h – Bachelor and Master Degree – Leibniz Universität Hannover
2016-2018 Teacher on “panorama of the living world” – 128h – 1st year Bachelor Degree – in Aix-Marseille University
2020 Training on Mapping and assessment of Ecosystem services – 6h – for North Macedonia Ministry (in English)
2020 Training on Introduction to Ecosystem services models – 3h – for North Macedonia Ministry (in English)
2019 Training on Mapping and assessment of Ecosystem services – 6h – for Consulting office (in French)
2020 Researcher assistant supervision – in English: Emily Bank (3rd year of Bachelor - 7 months)
2020 Internship supervision – in English: Abreu Montero (3rd year of Bachelor – 3 months) "Policy analysis of ecosystem services in Campeche state for climate change adaptation"
2019-now Part of the supervising committee of the PhD student Jules Pecquet from the Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences UMR CNRS
2017 Internship supervision in INRAe – in French: Laurie Gourlet (2nd year of Master degree – 5 months); Candice Christin (1st year of Master degree – 2 months); Kevin Tastayre (3rd year of Bachelor Degree – 3 month).
Professional and NGO experiences
2021-now Board member of the French Ecological Society (SFE – Société Française d’Écologie)
2019 -Now Member of the ESP Steering Committee (Ecosystem Services Partnership)
2019 YESS Delegates for the IPBES 7th Plenary in Paris, April/March 2019
2015-2018 Board member (and secretary for 2017) of the French Ecological Society (SFE – Société Française d’Écologie)
2016-2018 Assistant-Lecturer, Aix-Marseille University: 64h of lectures per year and 40h of teaching training
2017 Regional finalist of the French contest “My PhD in 180 seconds” - Université Aix-Marseille (Oral presentation online on youtube)
2014 Coordinator in the Career Fair in Ecology 2014 (employment of one month, Salon de l’Écologie)
2013-14 Assistant project manager: Career Fair in Ecology 2014 (Salon de l’Écologie)
2011-14 Secretary then treasurer of the “GNUM” (University association for naturalists)
- Nedkov, S., Campagne C. S., et al. (2022). Modeling water regulation ecosystem services : A review in the context of ecosystem accounting. Ecosystem Services 56. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2022.101458
- Pecquet, J., Mouchet, M., Campagne C. S., et al. (2022). Combining Ecological Niche Models and ecosystem services indicators to assess impacts of climate change on kelp : application to French coasts. Ecosystem and People 18, 358–377. doi:10.1080/26395916.2022.2080766
- Filyushkina, A., ... Campagne C. S., et al. (2022). Environmental Science and Policy Engaging at the science-policy interface as an early-career researcher : experiences and perceptions in the field of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Ecosystem and People 18, 397–409. doi:10.1080/26395916.2022.2085807
- Campagne C.S., Langridge J., Claudet J., Mongruel R., Thiébaut E. (2021) What evidence exists on how changes in marine ecosystem structure and functioning affect ecosystem services delivery? A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 10, 36.
- Sieber I. M., Campagne C. S. and Burkhard B. (2021) Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services in the Guianas: a comparative approach to ecosystem service supply in Suriname and French Guiana, Ecosystems and People 17:1, 148-164,
- Campagne, C. S., Roche P.K., Müller, F. and Burkhard, B. (2020) 10 years of ecosystem services matrix: Review of a (r)evolution. OneEcosystem. 5: e51103.
- Perennes, M., Campagne, C. S., Müller, F., Roche, P., & Burkhard, B. (2020). Refining the Tiered Approach for Mapping and Assessing Ecosystem Services at the Local Scale: A Case Study in a Rural Landscape in Northern Germany. Land, 9(348).
- Washbourne C.-L. …, Campagne, C.S et al. (2020) Improving collaboration between ecosystem service communities and the IPBES science-policy platform, Ecosystems and People 16, 1, 165–174.
- Roche, P. K and Campagne, C. S. (2019) Expert-based scoring provides reliable estimates of ecosystem service capacity. Ecological Indicators. 106, 105421.
- Balzan, M. V., […] Campagne, C. S., et al. (2019) Improving ecosystem assessments in Mediterranean social-ecological systems: a DPSIR analysis. Ecosystems and People. 15:1, 136-155.
- Campagne, C. S. and Roche P.K. (2018) May the matrix be with you! Guidelines for the application of expert-based matrix approach for ecosystem services assessment and mapping. OneEcosystem. 3: e24134. https://doi:10.3897/oneeco.3.e24134
- Campagne, C. S., Roche P.K., Salles J-M. (2018) Looking into Pandora’s Box: ecosystem disservices assessment and correlations with ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 30, 126–136. https://doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.02.005
- Palomo, I., […] Campagne, C. S., et al. (2018) Practical solutions for bottlenecks in ecosystem services mapping. OneEcosystem 3:e201713
- Roche P. K. and Campagne C. S. (2017) From ecosystem integrity to ecosystem condition: a continuity of notions supporting different aspects of ecosystems sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.29:63-68
- Campagne, C. S., Roche P. K., Gosselin F., Tschanz, L. and Tatoni, T. (2017) Expert-based ecosystem services capacity matrices: dealing with scoring variability. Ecological Indicators. 79, 63–72.
- Campagne, C. S., Salles, J.-M., Boissery, P. and Deter, J. (2015). The seagrass Posidonia oceanica: ecosystem services identification and economic evaluation of goods and benefits. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 97,1-2,391-400.