Observer la croissance de la paroi sous une lumière dorée (article)

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In plants, cell growth is constrained by a stiff cell wall, at least this is the way textbooks usually present it. Accordingly, many studies have focused on the elasticity and plasticity of the cell wall as prerequisites for expansion during growth. With their specific evolutionary history, cell wall composition, and environment, brown algae present a unique configuration offering a new perspective on the involvement of the cell wall, viewed as an inert material yet with intrinsic mechanical properties, in growth. In light of recent findings, we explore here how much of the functional relationship between cell wall chemistry and intrinsic mechanics on the one hand, and growth on the other hand, has been uncovered in brown algae.

Reference: Charrier B, Rabillé H, Billoud B. Gazing at Cell Wall Expansion under a Golden Light. Trends Plant Sci. Nov 21. pii: S1360-1385(18)30246-2. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2018.10.013 2018