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  • ANR SWINGS, 2019-2023, South West Indian Geotraces Section. Collaborator: Cédric Boulart.
  • ANR TONGA, 2018-2022, shallow hydroThermal sOurces of trace elemeNts: potential impacts on biological productivity and the bioloGicAl carbon pump. Collaborator : Cédric Boulart.
  • LEFE MEMESTRA, 2018-2021, Methane dynamics in Marine Environments based on In Situ observations. Collaborator: Cédric Boulart.
  • BIODIVERSA PERCEBES, 2017-2020, Tools for the transition to spatial management of coastal resources: the stalked barnaclefishery in SW Europe, Collaborators: Dominique Davoult & Eric Thiébaut.
  • ICOBIO, 2017-2020, Impact du changement océanique sur la biologie des organismes calcifiants : le cas de l’ormeau européen Haliotis tuberculata, une espèce d’intérêt économique. Lead: Stéphanie Auzoux-Bordenave (UMR BOREA, UPMC MNHN, Concarneau). Collaborators : UMR BOREA Concarneau, SCEA France-Haliotis Plouguerneau, UMR AD2M Roscoff (Sophie Martin), UMR LEMAR Brest, ULB Bruxelles. Fundings:  FRB / Ministère chargé de la transition écologique et solidaire (MTES).



  • CABESTAN, PPR Fair Carbon, october 2023-september 2028, carbon cycle of intertidal sedimentary systems, Lead: P. Anschutz (Bordeaux university), Collaborators: O. Bohner, C. Boulart, D. Davoult (Lead Sorbonne University), S. Loisel, A. Migné, L. Sevin
  • LAMINET, OFB-Brittany Region, 2022-2023, eDNA to decipher trophic interactions in the kelp forests of Brittany.  Lead: Quéméré. Collaborators : J.C. Leclerc & D. Davoult.
  • "Adaptation du Vivant à son Environnement", 2022-2023, CNRS, Epigenetic signatures of invasive processes under pollution pressure in artificialized marine ecosystems. Lead: Ch. Lejeusne, Collaborator: D. Davoult
  • InDySEM, 2021-2023, « Influence of ecological dynamics on production and demand for marine ecosystem services. A systematic review for decision-making.». Lead: Eric Thiébaut. Post Doc: Sylvie Campagne
  • HYPERFUCUS, 2021-2022, Hyperspectral signature of an intertidal brown macroalgae: study of variability at different temporal and spatial scales. Funding: EC2CO CNRS-INSU. Partners:  UMR 8187 LOG (Wimereux). Lead: Charles Verpoorter. Collaborator: Aline Migné.
  • CocoriCO2, 2020-2022, Sustainable French shellfish farming in a world with high CO2 levels. Lead: Fabrice Pernet (IFREMER-DYNECO) & Frédéric Gazeau (CNRS-LOV). Collaborators : IFREMER, LEMAR Brest, LOV Villefranche, AD2M Roscoff (Sophie Martin & Yann Bozec), LIENSs La Rochelle, LEMAR Brest, EPOC Bordeaux, Funding: EMFF.
  • Fondation Air Liquide SMIS-4M, 2018-2020, Spectromètre de Masse In Situ pour la Mesure du Méthane en Milieu Marin. Référent : Cédric Boulart.
  • CHANEL, 2019-2020, Chaire de Recherche – Climat, Océan et CO2, Lead: Laurent BOPP (ENS). Collaborators: UMR AD2M Roscoff (Sophie Martin & Yann Bozec). Funding: CHANEL.
  • IDEALG 'Investment for the future' type of project, 2010-2020.



  • RIVAGES, FEAMPA, april 2023-march 2026, assesment, diagnosis and management of shoreline algae in Brittany, Lead: Mathilde Laboulais CRPMEM Bretagne, Collaborators: D. Davoult, A. Migné, L. Sevin,
  • AGRID, 2020-2022, Improving knowledge of shoreline algae and their harvesting for sustainable management. Collaborators: Dominique Davoult, Mathilde Laboulais, Laure Sevin. Fundings : European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), French government, France Filière Pêche (FFP).
  • SAD Brittany Region FULMAR, 2018-2020, Methane flows at interfaces in marine environment. Collaborator: Cédric Boulart.
  • BIOMASSE ALGUES, 2016-2019, Collaborator: Dominique Davoult, Julie Duchêne, Mathilde Laboulais, Laure Sevin. Funding : Brittany Region.


* Direct links to Projects web pages from the project name