Associate professor, Sorbonne University


Bernard Billoud

Maître de Conférences de l'Enseignement Supérieur Public

Spécialité : bio-informatique

Enseignement à l'UPMC (Paris 6)

  • Informatique
  • Bio-informatique

Recherche à la Station Biologique de Roscoff

  • Modélisation du développement
  • Analyse de séquences



Billoud, B., Jouanno, É., Nehr, Z., Carton, B., Rolland, É., Chenivesse, S., and Charrier, B. (2015). Localization of causal locus in the genome of the brown macroalga Ectocarpus: NGS-based mapping and positional cloning approaches. Front. Plant Sci 6, 68.
Saint-Marcoux, D., Billoud, B., Langdale, J.A., and Charrier, B. (2015). Laser capture microdissection in Ectocarpus siliculosus: the pathway to cell-specific transcriptomics in brown algae. Front. Plant Sci 6, 54.
Billoud, B., Nehr, Z., Bail, A.L., and Charrier, B. (2014). Computational prediction and experimental validation of microRNAs in the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus. Nucl. Acids Res. 42, 417–429.
Le Bail, A., Billoud, B., Le Panse, S., Chenivesse, S., and Charrier, B. (2011). ETOILE Regulates Developmental Patterning in the Filamentous Brown Alga Ectocarpus siliculosus. The Plant Cell 23, 1666–1678.
Billoud, B., Le Bail, A., and Charrier, B. (2008). A stochastic 1D nearest-neighbour automaton models early development of the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus. Functional Plant Biology 35, 1014–1024.