Adaptation and acclimation to the marine environment

One major challenge for understanding the impact of global climate change on the productivity of the whole ocean is to study the capacity of phytoplankton to acclimate (physiology) and adapt (acquisition, loss or alteration of genes) to these changes. Our objective will be to develop a cross-scale systems biology approach to characterize and model the differential responses of species/ecotypes towards major environmental parameters.
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In the lab, we determine in several key prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms how environmental parameters such as light, temperature and nutrients can modify growth rates, photophysiological properties and other traits or functions (membrane lipidome, pigment content, mixotrophy, parasitic infections) which are used as proxies to evaluate the fitness of individuals. This basic culture-based knowledge is part of a more global system biology approach integrating i) comparative genomics on reference strains and single environmental cells, ii) transcriptomic analyses in response to variations of diverse environmental factors, and iii) analyses of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic datasets collected in a wide variety of oceanic environments.



Ongoing projects:

- ANR EFFICACY (2020-25)

- ANR TaxCy (2024-28)

APERO (2022-26)

BIOCEAN 5D (2022-26)

FUTURE-OBS (2022-28)